Aurora Landín

Venice Residency

Vanessa Milan (left) and I with "Referendum", 2011
copper etching

Starting Art-life as a painter has always led me to push the traditional scale limitations of printmaking, either through its potential for repetition and tiling or in large-scale singular works. The Large Format Print Residency at the Venice Printmaking Studio in Venice, Italy provided the perfect venue for this. In the summers of 2011 and 2013, I was thrilled to do month long residencies, creating large scale copper etchings reflecting my experience of being in Venice. Owner and Master Printmaker Gianfranco Gorini is a real inspiration. And a huge shout out to the staff and fellow artists who made each stay unforgettable, particularly Michelle Galletta, Vanessa Milan (pictured above), Fosca Democritas and Julia Fernandez-Pol in 2011 and Tanya Rusnak, David Brulhart, Rachel and Ivan in 2013.

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